Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Wednesday, August 13th

There has been a change of plans... Dave is no longer moving to Madonna today. Last night Dave had a temperature and his white blood count jumped up to 17,600. The doctors want to keep Dave at UNMC to monitor his temp and WBC. More updates to follow...

Dave hasn't had a temperature today and they will check his white blood count in the morning. In order to reduce possible infection sites they took out Dave's central line and also his dialysis port. The news of not moving to Madonna today was disappointing for Dave but he didn't let it get him down. He walked 250 feet with his walker! He also did some exercises standing! Until today all of his exercises were done when he was in bed or sitting in a chair. Dave also went outside, which has become part of the daily routine. :) Provided Dave's white blood count looks good he will be moving to Madonna tomorrow. Thank you for your continued prayers and your many words of encouragement.


Anonymous said...

August 13, 2008

To Dave and all who love him,

Sorry to hear of this detour in your recovery road. I was thinking, what a let down and then I considered God's plan and protection over you and I thought, ya know, again, we can't see the BIG picture and for some unknown reason the time was not perfectly right to make the move today. Trust Him on this one, I'm sure it's in your best interest. In the mean time, we will send up prayers concerning these issues.

Love and Prayers, Gary & Joyce

Anonymous said...

Romans 8:28! This is only a small bump in the road and our God is doing what is best for Dave and we know we can trust Him. We keep praying! Love, Larry and Barb

Anonymous said...

We continue to keep you all in prayer. Do not be discouraged as HIS plans are perfect.

Rick & Joan

Anonymous said...

Dave: Hang in there, you are making so much progress and about to take a big step out of UNMC. We continue to pray for all of you each day. Keep the faith patient.

John & Shirley

Anonymous said...

Deb Haefele called us in New York this morning to let us know you had been given the green light to move to Madonna. But, again for His own purposes and plans, the Lord has delayed the move. So, you stayed in Omaha and showed off for the nurses by doing the 250 yard dash. Good for you, Dave! Keep showing them you're ready to roll. We will be praying for that pesky temperature to behave so you can get closer to home. Love to all of you, Brad & Jackie, Ron & Carol

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