Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday, August 18

Dave's white blood count is up again, 34,500. He didn't have a temperature this morning but is now running a low grade temp. Dave threw up this morning. Despite all of the bumps in the road, today Dave walked the farthest that he has yet! And he doesn't have hiccups! Dr Stothert was in and talked about different options besides the tube feeding. He said Dave would be able to get the nutrients he needs from Ensure or some other things as well. They talked about putting the Ensure directly into the gastric tube. Dave is getting Cipro, an antibiotic. Please pray this will bring Dave's WBC down. Dave's kidney function continues to improve, PTL!


Anonymous said...

I hope you all know how many people keep you in their thoughts and prayers daily and how many good wishes are sent your way. But, I also want you to know that besides everyone wanting to encourage and support you, what an encouragment your family is to others! Reading the blog, we are disheartened and saddened when things that seem like setbacks come up, but then one or two sentences later you include positive and good news, like Dave walking further and further each time!
You truely are an example to others focusing on all of God's blessings during your trials.

Prayers and best wishes,
Josh and Frances

Anonymous said...

Just letting you know we are here, we are praying, and we will be up to see you soon!
We agree with Josh and Frances, you are all an amazing example of trusting and waiting on the perfect timing of the Lord.
Mike and Jeanie

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