Friday, August 15, 2008

Friday, August 15th

Dave started the day off similar to yesterday, throwing up. They started the tube feedings again in order to give Dave the nutrition he requires. He is still able to order any and all the food he wants and the doctors are encouraging him to do so, but he just doesn't have much of an appetite. Dave's white blood count is the same as yesterday, 23,300. The renal (kidney) doctors were by today and said they will no longer be on Dave's case. His kidneys are working at a level that Dave can live without having dialysis, although they would ideally like to see drastic improvement in his kidney function. The x-rays of the chest and abdomen and the CT scan came back looking normal. Nothing has cultured out from the 2 catheters or all the samples they took yesterday. Dave is going down to Interventional Radiology when they can squeeze him in sometime today. IR is going to aspirate the fluid in his lower right lung and they are also going to remove the fluid that has been in his abdominal cavity for about a month. They are desperately trying to find the cause of the high WBC so they are draining these 2 areas of fluid even though they don't believe either to be the culprit. As you may remember Dave had the fluid in his lung aspirated a few weeks ago and this was extremely painful, one of two times since his hospitalization that he rated his pain at a 10. This is not supposed to be a painful procedure but they hit a nerve so he was in severe pain for 3 days. Please pray the doctors won't hit a nerve this time and that the Lord will calm Dave's fears. Dave did awesome in PT again today. Despite being tired he walked further than he did yesterday, 500 feet! He is definitely getting stronger daily, PTL!


Anonymous said...

Hey Brother,

I know this must be a frustrating time for you (and your family.
Moving to Madonna Rehab is elusive, but it WILL happen.

We are praying that your doctors are able to do what is needed in Radiology without pain this time. Also that the fluid removed from your abdomen helps get your white blood count in an acceptable range.

Gotta keep trying to eat, Dave, even though it is surely a battle.

It wasn't that long ago that we were so very worried about your liver and kidneys, which are much better.

We are also encouraged by your progress in PT. Awesome! God is really holding you up as you build your strength.

We love you and Diane and the family you two have been blessed with.

God bless always,
Marva and Lo

Anonymous said...

This has undoubtedly been a frustrating week as Marva stated, but hanging onto God's perfect timing for you AND to the awesome PT progress you are making gives us something to be so thankful for. All answers to prayer! Your determination to get well, as shown by your progress in PT even when other things are not going the way you want, is an answer to prayer. God is at work Dave, and His ways are not always easy to understand, but we can trust in them, lean on them, and know God is in complete control.
We continue lifting you up, and Diane and the "kids", you are all never far from our thoughts and always in our prayers!
Love Mike and Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Keep looking to Him, the Great Physician. We will keep praying for wisdom for the doctors and increased strength and encouragement for all of you.

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