Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Tuesday, August 19

Dave's white blood count went down today, 32,800! His temperature is still hanging in there around 100. Dave was able to tolerate a large supper tonight! And he didn't throw up today either! However, they started tube feedings tonight at 10 cc/hr. They are using a different product and he is getting a very small amount. Dave did have the hiccups before they started the tube feeding and they continued to worsen throughout the evening. He had 2 breathing episodes after 10:30pm. On Saturday when they drained Dave's abdomen they placed a tube in Dave's back, he has 4 tubes now. Tomorrow Dave will go to IR to see if they can remove the tube in his back. It hasn't been draining very much and again, they want to alleviate any possible modes for an infection. They will push dye through the tube to determine if there is still fluid collecting in Dave's abdomen. Dave doesn't have a set appointment time with IR and he won't be able to have any food or drink after midnight tonight. Please pray Dave's trip to IR will go well and will be in the morning so he doesn't have to be without nutrition for very long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Continuing to watch your site and praying for you guys.

We've begun our residing project since the storm damaged it.

Charis asks me almost daily how you're doing and the other girls were so glad they were able to meet you last week.

Jane O. for all of us

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