Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thursday, August 14th

Dave wasn't able to transfer to Madonna because his white blood count jumped up again, 23,300. He also had a temperature around 100 last night, but today it has been back down in the normal range. Dave had an upset stomach this morning and vomited. As for anyone, it's hard to want to eat after you throw up. They ran many labs today in an attempt to figure out why his WBC is rising. They x-rayed his lungs and abdomen and also did a CT scan of the abdomen. Please pray they will be able to find the reason for the rising WBC. Dave has felt very tired today, he didn't sleep very well last night. He still worked hard in PT though, and recorded his longest walk yet! Thank you for your constant prayers.


Unknown said...

hey, guys. so sorry to hear of this frustration...hopeful still that things will be resolved and the madonna move would happen soon. wouldn't it be great if it was on OUR timing! anyways, much,much love to you all.


Anonymous said...

We have prayed for some helpful words of wisdom and encouragement...all we really can say is "we feel your pain of frustration and discouragement"...we have been there and know the agony of wanting to "get on with things." At times like this, we can grab hold of and hang on to the knowledge that His ways are not our ways, nor is His timing our timing and His thoughts are so much higher than ours and beyond our comprehension! We love all of you and we rest in the knowledge that He is in complete control--P.T.L.!

Del and Linda

Anonymous said...

We may have moved to CO, but we stay posted and keep praying! Dave, you'll be under great care at Madonna as soon as you get there. You are all so strong and we are honored to have you as friends representing us and our Lord. You are thought of and prayed for often.

The Coopers

Whispering Pines said...

We'll keep praying that the move to Mad. Rehab Hospital will take place real soon...hang in there guys!

Jim & Sandy

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