Saturday, August 23, 2008

Saturday, August 23

Dave's WBC went up again today, 32,300. They are still working to find the correct combination of medicine to help keep Dave from throwing up and having dry heaves. Dave was up and walked two different times today and is on his second trip outside. They pulled the JP tube out another inch this morning!


Anonymous said...


To Dave and all who love him,

One can not look back over the past two months and not see answered can not look back over the past two months and not see progress....see healing.....see strength being rebuilt. Yes, some prayers have not been answered in the way we would like to have them but we just have to trust God is still saying "Be still and wait upon the Lord". We are keenly aware your lives have been put in a holding pattern while life is going on for the rest of us.......but we want you to find some comfort in the fact that life isn't going on "AS USUAL" because in the Body of Christ we have a brother named Dave and a sister named Diane along with their children who are still in the process of climbing a mountain from lower then the foothills. We pray, but through Christ, you are doing all the work and assuredly the work is taxing now with steady benefits to come. Your resolve to build your strength, your steadfast faith, your deep love for one another, all serve as a testimony to the Lord. We have not forgotten you in your plight; keep looking up, keep drawing your strength from Jesus, keep preserving. We will pray for your requests and more.

Love, Gary and Joyce

Anonymous said...

Gary and Joyce are right, things are not normal for any of us without you and while you struggle. We haven't forgotten you and all you are going through, nor has God forgotten you! We continue to pray for you! Love and prayers, Larry and Barb

Anonymous said...

Amen! The message from Gary and Joyce says it all! We serve a mighty God that does things on His timetable and not ours. Praying for your strength and healing........

Anonymous said...

To go along with G & J's this verse comes to mind 1Peter 5:10 After you have suffered for a little while, the God of grace who called you to His eternal glory in Christ will Himself perfect confirm strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever Amen. Our God is great and whatever HE does or allows is perfect for the above verse. Praying for you EVERYDAY The Haefele's

Anonymous said...

We are here also Dave, we continue to pray for you and your family. It has to being hard to keep up the fight but stay in in there keep taking your fight to the God of all peace. Darren

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