Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, August 4th

Dave is not running a temperature and his nurse hasn't told us his daily white blood count number. Dave is still having the hiccups and still on medication for this. Consequently he is still having the episodes when he isn't able to breathe. Dave only had to be on dialysis for 2 hours today, instead of the normal 4 hours, because his kidneys started functioning better over the weekend, PTL!!!!!! The renal doctors said hopefully Dave won't have to have dialysis ever again. We pray this is the case! What a pleasant surprise, the Lord is definitely capable of anything! Dave's lower right lung is still full of fluid. They have told us there is about .5 liters of fluid, the same amount as last time. At this point they are not going to act on this fluid, hoping it will take care of itself. A nutritionist came by to help figure out which foods would be easy for Dave to digest but also have a lot of nutrition. Thanks for your continued prayer support, we can see God working!


Anonymous said...

Kidney improvement is indeed an answered prayer. I'm so relieved to hear this - it's probably the most critical issue, from what we learned with other family's health issues this past year. Thanks, Lord, for loving this family so fully and completely every day.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! He is GOOD! Exciting news! Keep on keeping on and know we continue to pray for you all! Love, Larry and Barb

Anonymous said...

It is great to hear this improvement. The power of prayer and the strength of God is amazing. He works in wonderous ways!!! Every day I check the blog and continue to keep the family in my thoughts and prayers. We are here for you all.

Derrick, Shelly, Brenna and Vaden

Anonymous said...

Praise God for all that he has done. We rejoice with you in Dave's continued improvement and we continue to pray for all of you. God bless all of you. Roger, Gail & family

Anonymous said...

Just letting you know we continue to pray for all of you. We rejoice and thank God for Dave's continued progress and pray for patience and strength for your family.

John & Shirley

Anonymous said...

We pray that Dave does not have to have much more, if ANY, dialysis!!! That is such happy news to be thankful for! That's the kind of thing we all look forward to reading when we open the blog everyday! No matter what the news, though, so many people are still praying and keeping your entire family in their thoughts!

Frances and Josh

Whispering Pines said...

We continue to pray for you and we will MISS YOU at Jimmy's wedding Saturday!!! Nate will be really handsome in his tux! Thanks for the continual updates and just keep "doing the next thing"...much love,
Jim, Sandy and family

Anonymous said...

Thanks be to God! Every day, for His wonderful blessings, healing and strength. It is awesome to see His works through your entire family, lifting, healing and witnessing to all who read this blog. We can't tell you how grateful to God we are for Dave's progress. Hope to see you all soon! We'd like to make a trip over to Omaha. In Love and Prayers

The Ver Schuer's

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