Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thursday, July 10th

Morning update: Dave's white blood count is at 6,900 (with the help of medicine)!!!! His temperature is at 100.6, this is better than yesterday! Dave did SLED dialysis for 4 hours yesterday and then clotted so they hooked him up for another round and he clotted again after another 4 hours. So a total of 8 hours, the clotting is normal, this is how they determine when to stop the dialysis unless of course his body clots too soon then they hook him back up again. :) Dave started SLED today already. Please pray Dave will be able to tolerate the dialysis today. The doctors were concerned because his blood pressure is so low and dialysis tends to drop it further. Dave is going to be on the by-pap (breathing) machine today for 2 hours, have it off for 2 hours, and then back on for another 2 hours. They are doing this to hopefully prevent from putting him back on the ventilator. The by-pap makes Dave very anxious. Please pray he will be able to tolerate the discomfort. Last night they started Dave on a small dose of liquid food through his gastric tube. This did make him a little bit nauseous but he was able to keep it all down! They have decided to give Dave a little bit of ice and water each hour and then every couple of hours alternate with Diet Dr Pepper! He has been asking for pop, but obviously told absolutely not! They don't look for Dave to enjoy the pop, but at least he will get the small satisfaction of being able to do something he could before the accident. The nurse told us yesterday that Dave produced twice the amount of urine on Tuesday and Wednesday that he had been producing in previous days, PTL! Please keep praying his kidneys will begin to function as they should as they are still labeling the situation as acute renal failure. Dave had occupational therapy again yesterday. The OT asked Dave to do 10 of each exercise. You know Dave...he did 11 of each exercise, what a guy!!!! Thank you for your continued prayers. Dave is making baby steps with the Lord's help.


Anonymous said...

Over the years, as I have gotten to know Diane, Traci, Brad and Jiree, I have always understood their love for our Lord was paramount in their lives. Although I have only met Dave a few times, I know his family have all been encouraged and strengthened by his spiritual leadership.

You are all in my prayers. I ache with you, cry with you, and delight with you in Dave's progress.(And hiccups are really no little thing!)

Phil 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

You all are living these verses. Your testimonies are gently "shouting to the world" that Jesus is Lord. Thank you for showing what a great God we have by your living testimonies. We love you and will keep praying for Dave, the doctor's wisdom, and for all who are supporting Dave on the front lines.

Jan & Les

Anonymous said...

Our thoughts and prayers continue to be with you all.
Bridget & Tony

Anonymous said...

I praise the Lord for each of the baby steps you see Dave taking. We serve a faithful God, but from our viewpoint He's on a different timetable than us. May God grant each of you the peace that passes understanding because we cannot understand His plan for us.

Anonymous said...

So good to read good news! Thanks for the posting and thanks to God!!
His love endureth forever! I'll be toasting to his health as he "drinks" the diet Dr. Pepper. The prayers keep going up! Love you all!

God's blessings...
Mary, Tom, Jessie, and Leigh Anna

Anonymous said...

Wow! What wonderful bits of news in the posting this morning! We are rejoicing and thanking God for the many answered prayers, and will continue to uplift each of you through the hills and valleys leading to Dave's full recovery. Let us know when we need to pick up a case of diet Dr. Pepper for him!
Mike and Jeanie

Anonymous said...

Who would have ever thought that Diet Dr. Pepper would be such an exciting thing!! We are encouraged to hear the updates on Dave. The way I see it however ... if Dave had a little PEPSI in his system, he might really begin to show the improvements we all want. :o)

Thanks again for the updates. We'll keep praying!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Who would of thought that Diet Dr. Pepper would make a person feel better? ;) I rejoice in the Lord for how you're doing. He is such a good and gracious Heavenly Father! We pray for you every day and praise Him for your testimony. Jackie Harms just stopped by and told me that her tumor is smaller and that her chemo is working. I praise Him for that too! We are so blessed to belong to Jesus Christ Dave, so blessed!
Love and prayers,

Anonymous said...

July 10, 2008

The diet Dr. Pepper topic seems to have created quite a stir; evidence we are all thrilled and involved in each step of Dave's recovery process.

Can't be where each of you are but you are all close to our hearts.

Praising Him......even for Dr. Pepper, Gary & Joyce

Anonymous said...

Who would have thought that all the prayers for the Dr.'s wisdom would have resulted in this? Keep this up and Dr. Pepper will have his own office at the Med Center. All kidding aside, we thank God for Dave's progress and continue to pray for his physical health and the peace of God as he nas to deal with uncomfortable situations. We love you all.

The Kroese's

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the updates on Dave's progress. I know it must seem like a slow process but as others have noted God's plans and timetable are not always ours. I really enjoyed seeing and TALKING!!! with Dave last Sunday. Know that you all are thought of and prayed for often.

John in KC

Anonymous said...

Praise God for even baby steps. It is so good to see the progress that Dave is making, WooHoo!! And the Dr. Pepper I always knew that there was something that I really liked about that guy. Continue to know that we are all praying for you and you are all loved very much.
The Hanselings

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful family Dave has--it is obvious your family is rooted in love, and it's such an inspiration to others to see that closeness in the Lord. Thank you for informing us and blessing us with the daily blog. We are continuing to pray!

Karen DeBoer for Dean and the "kids".

Anonymous said...

It was good to talk with you today, Diane. I was glad to hear Dave is making progress. My mom was on the by-pap while at Madonna and didn't like it either, but it helped her alot on her way to recovery. I hope it helps Dave as well.

Sorry I wasn't able to visit with the kids today, do tell them all of you are in my thoughts and prayers every day.

Thanks again for the daily updates!

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you all know that I'm still praying. I wasn't able to check the blog in Peru like I had anticipated, so I'm trying to get caught up on everything. I'm definitely still praying though and thankful for each little bit of good news. Love you guys and thank you so much for your prayers for us on our trip. How faithful you all are!

Grace and Peace,

Anonymous said...

Diane and family, we are amazed at how much strength God can give when it is needed! Dave's body, your faith & constant presence with him, the vow that you made to be "one" enables God to pass your strength to Dave. I have seen this personally how that presence of family gives a patient the will to survive insurmountable odds.
We want to come and visit, but just haven't seemed to get there.
We send you our love and prayers.
Ron & Donna

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