Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Wednesday, July 23rd

Dave's white blood count is down again, 12,300 (yesterday was 15,400)!!!! He does have a little bit of a temperature, 99.7. Dave was just put on SLED. They are wanting to leave him on dialysis for 24 hours as they didn't pull off enough fluid yesterday during HD. Dave already had PT and ST this morning. He stood up (with assistance) twice during PT! The infectious disease team decided to take Dave off Cipro, antibiotic for the mutant bacteria in his urine. The ID team said the Cipro killed all the bacteria (including the good) in Dave's stomach which allowed the C. difficile to become a problem. They haven't cultured anything out of his urine but he is still in "isolation" because of the C. difficile. Thanks for your continued prayers!!!!!


KDeBoer said...

Please send our best to Dave and know we are continuing to pray.

Dean and Karen DeBoer

Anonymous said...

Hey Dave,

Is it any wonder the germ is called difficile? Is that a derivative of difficult? Hey, you might want to consider making sure that none of the blood you receive is from middle aged women - they are always tired! Just a thought! We are praying for you. It's been a joy to let the prayer warriors down here know that God continues to be in control and has answered so many prayers! Thanks for letting Him continue to use you as a testimony to His power. Hang in there big bro. You are doing great. Remember when you were mad in college at the "over acheviers" that set the grading scale so unrealistically high? I think you are doing that now! Keep standing and exercising. You can do it because you know your source of strength.

Love ya,
Mary and crew

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