Saturday, July 12, 2008

Saturday, July 12th

Morning update: Dave's white blood count is 39,000. The ID doctors said high (within reason) is better than extremely low. His temperature is 100.8. Dave didn't have any heart issues last night, praise God! He is going to have SLED dialysis again today. Dave's kidney readings did not improve from the last dialysis. Please pray Dave will be able to tolerate dialysis and that his kidney readings would improve. Dave's hemoglobin is still too low so they will be giving him a unit of blood today. In order to get better sleep last night they didn't put Dave on the by-pap machine, he was glad to be rid of that even for a little while. Dave stood 3 times (assisted) today in PT! Thank you for your prayers and support, you are such an encouragement to us!

Evening update: We are mixing it up tonight and using a different format. We will give an update starting from Dave's head, all the way to his toes...

'Head': Dave was very, very sleepy today, and has been the last few days. The doctors have took him off many medications, hoping to wake him up a little bit. Dave still responds to questions and occasionally asks a question, but he is more confused now then in the past. Please continue to pray for this.

Heart: Dave has not had any more irregular heart beats today. His heart rate and blood pressure have tolerated dialysis today. Thank you Lord!

Lungs: Dave's upper lungs are functioning very well! However, his lower lobes are not. Dave has been using a BIPAP machine 2 hours on, 2 hours off to strengthen his lungs. BIPAP (Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure) machine is a breathing assistance device which is worn over the mouth or nose, in Dave's case the nose. We have included a picture we found on google, it is basically exactly like Dave's.Abdomen: Dave has 5 tubes in his abdomen. The doctors are slowly taking the tubes out one inch at a time. Eventually, as drainage continues to decrease, the doctors will completely pull the tubes out.

Liver: We don't have any updates at this time, but please continue to pray for the function of Dave's liver.

Pancreas: Dave still has pancreatitis, but it is slowly improving.

Stomach/Digestive tract: Dave received more 'food', through his gastric tube. He wasn't able to digest quickly enough, so they stopped for today and will continue again tomorrow.

Kidneys: PTL Dave has been on dialysis for 9 hours so far, without clotting off. The doctors would like him to stay on for three more hours tonight. Please pray that Dave's numbers would improve and that dialysis would be effective.

Left ankle: Dave still has a walking cast. The doctors will x-ray in a couple of weeks to see if the broken bones have healed or if it will require surgery.

Right leg: We mentioned it this morning, but Dave stood 3 times today. What we didn't mention is that because Dave's left ankle is broken and in a cast, Dave can not put any weight on his left foot. So when he stands, he is actually balancing on one leg, (I can't even do that!)


Anonymous said...

Standing!! :>) We are very excited to hear of this very big step! God is at work in a mighty way as Dave is able to do more day by day. Prayers and love to you all,
Mike and Jeanie

Anonymous said...

"I love the LORD because he hears and answers my prayers.
Because he bends down and listens, I will pray as long as I have breath!" Ps 116:1-2.
We are so excited about the encouraging news, standing, walking will be next! And we continue to pray for you Dave, for strength and healing. And for the family too! Love and prayers, Larry and Barb

Anonymous said...

Please explain "by-pap machine. What is that and how does it work? You say this is uncomfortable for him.

Anonymous said...

Please explain "by-pap machine. What is that and how does it work? You say this is uncomfortable for him.

cheryl said...

FYI...we found out that there are several antibiotics that can cause Hgb. to go down...that and platelets. Just a thought.

How great that they are getting him up often now. This helps in SO many ways!

I know the Bi-Pap is uncomfortable and makes a person anxious...we will pray specifically about that as well as your other requests.

He's getting better!!!

Anonymous said...

I just looked back at the first entry in Dave's blog following the accident. You all are living the reality of "two steps forward--three steps back." What a comfort to know that God Himself is walking just before you.
I was very excited about the Diet Dr. Pepper, but must agree with Karis that the only thing better may have been Pepsi (Regular Cherry Pepsi on crushed ice). You may want to ask Dave about considering that.
We pray for you every day and trust that you can sense that while you are on this journey.
We love you all.
Cal and Bonnie

Anonymous said...

We were so excited to hear that Dave sat up for a while and that he stood also! That is wonderful news. We are continuing to pray for all of you.
Jeff and Janice Horn

Anonymous said...

Every day I come home from work and thank God for the wonderful news in each blog. I just arrived home from a 12 hour day @ work. Learning that Dave stood up today makes me realize how fortunate I am to have had the opportunity to stand on my feet for 12 hours. Praising God for giving Dave the strength to do so! I can't wait to hear of his next step!
Love and Prayers!
Al and Caroline :-)

Anonymous said...

Happy Moments...
Praise God

Difficult Moments...
Seek God

Quiet Moments...
Worship God

Painful Moments...
Trust God

Every Moment...
Thank God

We are thinking about you! Steve and Marty

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