Friday, July 11, 2008

Friday, July 11th

Morning update: Dave's white blood count is at 28,000, again with the help of medicine. They won't be giving him that medicine for a while to see if the white blood count will level itself out. His temperature is hanging in at 100.2. The kidney doctors were in today and said they were pleased Dave was still hooked up to dialysis (almost 24 hrs). They are happy they were able to remove fluid, but Dave's blood pressure continues to remain low while on dialysis. They look to do dialysis again tomorrow. The infectious disease (ID) doctors came in and said things are looking good. The ID doctors said they cultured an organism from one of Dave's tubes but they aren't too concerned. The organism is very resistant and they stated they are "not going to chase it", some organisms in the body are normal. The little bit of "food" given to Dave yesterday through his gastric tube upset his stomach causing distention and a couple hours of severe pain. Dr Stothert came in last night and said he was hoping Dave's liver would be functioning better by now. He was expecting some of the yellow in Dave's skin to be diminished by this time. The liver numbers are basically remaining the same and haven't improved for a couple of days. Please continue to pray for Dave's liver. I don't think we mentioned, Dave got his staples out a couple of days ago! Dave is still doing on 2 hours, off 2 hours with the by-pap machine. As much as he loathes this treatment he did admit yesterday (after being asked) that he can tell a difference, it makes his breathing off the machine easier. Thank you for your diligent prayers!

Evening update: Dave had PT this afternoon and sat up for a few minutes. Lora, the PT, let him get past his dizziness and then had him stand. Dave stood, with assistance, for 30 seconds!!! Huge accomplishment for someone who's been in bed for so long. Then Lora had him sit up for about 45 minutes. He was tuckered out, sitting and standing is hard work! Dave gave us a scare this evening. He had some irregular heart beats, everything started beeping and his room was full of ICU staff. They x-rayed his chest, which came back normal. They did an EKG, which also came back normal. They aren't sure what caused the irregular beats but his heart is beating normal now. Thank the Lord!


cheryl said...

Isn't it awesome to see how the individual parts of the body are so necessary for us to function well as a whole? And how dependent each organ is on the other organs to do their own part? All this to make a HEALTHY BODY functioning the way the Lord intends. Remind you of anything else?? :)

Thank you for updating...I know for me it was "therapy"! We continue to pray and trust as the Lord strengthens all Dave's organs to continue to get stronger until the time they will function well without the help of machines!

God is preparing him to do a mighty work for HIS glory! Isn't THAT an exciting thought??

~The Harvey's

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hear of any improvements!! We will be away for the weekend and will miss the updates--hope all goes well!!

Robin and family

Anonymous said...

Go Dave, Go Dave, Go Dave....we are rejoicing for your progress! Carol Loseke was just here and sends her love to all of you! God will continue to strengthen you each and every minute, don't give up, don't be discouraged or be impatient, He works in His timing. We love you all very much!
Jon & Erica

Anonymous said...

You may not know or remember us, but we have been faithfully following Dave's progress ... usually several times a day we check the blog out to see how he is doing, waiting for any bit of improvement. We are Karis King's parents from Henderson.

Ever since the accident, our church has been praying for Dave as well. Every Sunday evening, we have a time of prayer and Dave and your whole family is being remembered in prayer.

We are thrilled for the progress Dave is making, even though it is slow. It was an excellent idea of having this blog. We can receive up-to-date information anytime we want, and you don't have to constantly be calling people. We thank you for taking the time to write these updates. It blesses us all to see how God is working.

We will continue to pray for Dave's healing and your perserverance in waiting. We also pray for encouragement and that God would give you good rest at night.

Roger and Coletta Wiebe

Anonymous said...

Hello Again;

There hasn't been a day that has gone by yet since the accident that we don't wake up and have Dave & the family on our minds. We are praying for you constantly and we know that others are too! It's so wonderful to see God's children praying together. We all love you and are thankful for the little bits of good news that seem to happen on a daily basis. We know that Dave has yet many prayers to be answered in which we will not cease to pray. Thanks again for the blog which has been a great tool for all. Dave, we are looking forward to your return in the Bible study this fall so let's get better, OK! Love, Mike and Lanna and family

Anonymous said...

Dear ones,
It is hard to believe we are closing in on a month since Dave's accident. What an all knowing God we have! The miracles never cease to amaze! Dave has come so far since that tragic day. We never cease praying for all of you. The baby steps, day by day give such hope and inspiration to all of us! We give praise for the tool of this blog as well. Excellent updates Traci! Our continuous love and prayers to all of you! (And I loved your note card Jiree. The scripture is one I live and breath by daily!Thank you!)

Al and Caroline :-)

Anonymous said...

Dear Dave, Diane, Jiree, Nate, Traci and Brad,
We pray this might encourage you this day as well as the days ahead!
Psalm 121:1-4
I lift my eyes to the hills -
where does my help come from?

My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip
he who watches over you will
not slumber;

Indeed, he who watches over Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.

It is our hope and prayer that you all may get some rest - and rest well, knowing and believing that the LORD does not slumber nor does HE sleep. What a promise to cling to during such difficult times!
Our prayers continue for each of you! We do rejoice over the recent "baby steps" and will continue to trust the LORD to direct the team of doctors that are working on Dave's behalf.
With Heartfelt prayers,
Marcia for the Hennings

Anonymous said...

We are so excited about Dave's progress! I keep thinking about the verses in Eph. 3:20-21, "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen" Our God is so good and works all things out for His glory, but that is always, always compatible with our good. We never have one without the other. And all is done on His timetable, not ours. We are constantly thinking of you all and praying for healing and God's abundant grace to be poured out. We love you,
Brad & Jackie

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