Monday, September 1, 2008

Saturday, August 30

Dave's white blood count went up a little today, 22,000. His temperature is hanging around 99.1. This morning Dave's JP tube started draining fluid again, they won't be pulling the tube out until this stops draining. Dave was able to keep 2 good meals down! However, the gastric tube started leaking from around the tube because his stomach was so full. The nurse removed 1 cup from Dave's stomach to help with the bloated feeling. They have been giving Dave an appetite stimulant and today was the first day it actually worked! Dave felt hungry for the first time since his accident! Dave has had the hiccups all day and they have progressively gotten worse. He has had one breathing episode. As many of you know Dave is a big Husker fan, he was able to listen to the game, the hospital wouldn't pay for pay-per-view, darn!

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