Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Monday, September 15

Dave had a great day today! For one of his PT sessions he walked around outside, it was so beautiful out! The doctor took a look at Dave's CT scan from Friday and said there isn't any pockets of fluid in his abdomen. He said he didn't know quite what to make of the situation and called the Trauma team at UNMC to get their opinion, we don't know what Trauma had to say yet. The confusion stems from the blake drain suddenly not draining much of anything (and what it is draining is different than before), the t-tube still not draining very much, and now per the CT scan there aren't any pockets of fluid sitting in Dave's abdomen. The pesky hiccups still seem to show there ugly head through out Dave's days. However, the hiccups aren't causing as many breathing episodes, though the episodes do still take place randomly. Dave has gained 15 pounds! He is eating great, no nausea or lack of appetite, and he is still getting tube feedings at night. Dave is looking at discharge from Madonna on Wednesday, yes, 2 days from today!!! PTL! He will only need outpatient PT, they said he won't be needing OT after discharge! Thank you for your faithful prayers!


Anonymous said...

You know, God's healings have always stumped doctors. What a mighty God we serve!

Congrats on going home. I imagine it will look real good to you! Wish I could be there with balloons.

It is amazing to see all you have accomplished in the past 3 months. I doubt that any of us can say we have worked as hard as you in the past 3 months. I am proud of you, Dave. And so thankful to Diane and kids for their loyalty. This is a very happy ending to a surreal time!

Love to all,
Mary and crew

Anonymous said...

Yahooooo! PTL!! So glad to hear
you will be heading home. Do us
a favor and take a family picture
outside your home and post it here
for us all to see - God's answered
My love to all,
Tammy Hutt

Anonymous said...

Dave and Diane ... it was GREAT to see you at the softball game last night! God is good!

One day at a time ... it's all in God's timing, and I hope His "timing" has you at home by Wednesday! :o)

Anonymous said...

Alleluia! Have a great trip HOME tomorrow! You are doing great and God gets the glory! Alleluia, again! We are so happy for you, Dave and Diane!
Love, Sharol and Mark

Anonymous said...

Dave and Diane,
May Dave enjoy being home!!! That is just wonderful news! Dave - I don't know you personally, but rather through your wife at work. You are a remarkable man!!!!! And while I am not a profoundly religious person, I do believe in God very much, and have held you in my thoughts, and surrounded you with positive thoughts and energy! There hasn't been a day that's passed when I haven't wondered how you're doing. I enjoy working with your wife so much, and think the world of her (and therefore, of you both)!!!!!

Take care,
Shawn Haller

Anonymous said...

September 16, 2008

To Dave and all who love him,

You can't turn your head, you can't blink your eye, you can't not read one blog day because if you don't........Dave makes plans to move out on you. Shane told me this evening of the great news and the fact you were able to attend the softball game last night. Although I'm sorry we missed you, I am very happy we made the decision not to go as I am sporting a fresh cold and I don't like to share that sort of thing. :):)

Anyway, we just share in your joy.......you have waited three long months for this day to come. God bless you and your family for your faithfulness, perseverance, and steadfastness.

We know this hardship isn't completed and prayers are still in order but you left that turning corner in the dust way back when.

Sounds like your PT is going great; I need your determination to rub off on me because no sooner do I step on my treadmill then I'm looking forward to how soon I can get off of it.

We will visit one day.

Love, Gary & Joyce

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