Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24

Dave's 2 appointments went really well. His first appointment was with Dr Grant, the liver surgeon. She re-stitched his blake drain as it needed to be stabilized. She would still like to get Dave out 2 more months before doing a surgery. There is still a chance the bile duct could repair itself which would lessen the seriousness of the surgery. She would like to have a cholangiogram done on Dave's t-tube in a couple of weeks. This will show her if the T-tube is working properly. She may need to put a new t-tube in, this would probably be a one night hospital stay. Dave's next appointment was with Dr Young from the trauma team. Dr Young was very excited with how good Dave looks! Dave will have a button G-tube placed when he has the cholangiogram. Dr Young wants to leave the G-tube in until after the surgery. This type of G-tube isn't visible through clothing as it will be flush with the skin! Overall the appointments were very encouraging. Thank you for your continued prayers.

The next blog entry will be with the results of Dave's cholangiogram that will take place on October 8th.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Wednesday, September 17

93 days in the hospital
93 x-rays
WBC as high as 86 thousand
29 days of dialysis
24 CT scans
13 1/2 hours of surgeries and procedures
10 ultrasounds
10 days unconscious
9 tubes in the tummy and back
6 EKGs
5 trips to Interventional Radiology
and One Great Big GOD...


The next blog update will be after Dave's follow up appointment at UNMC on Sept 24. Next Wednesday the doctors will most likely decide how extensive Dave's future surgery will be. The trauma team did tell us there is a very slight chance that Dave's bile duct will heal on it's own. A small portion of the left side of his liver has died and they will need to remove this, however, if the bile duct does not heal they will remove the entire left side of his liver. Please continue to pray that Dave does not have to have the left side of his liver removed.

We want to extend a heartfelt thanks to all of you prayer warriors!! We know your prayers are the reason Dave is at home today. It was awesome to experience the way the Body of Christ works together! During the most difficult days it was the faithful prayers of our brothers and sisters in Christ that encouraged us and helped us through. A big thanks to all those who came to the hospital, thank you for the meals, gifts, cards, and especially your prayers. It has been most humbling to be the recipients of such generosity. We praise God that Dave is home and for your faithful prayers. We have truly been blessed! Thank you!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday, September 16

For those of you keeping track today is month 3 since Dave's accident. The plan is still to come home tomorrow, PTL! Dave has had some discomfort in his abdominal region for the last 3 days. He had mentioned it to the doctors and nurses but they didn't know what would be causing the pain and sensations. This morning during breakfast Dave discovered his gastric tube was leaking. He lifted his shirt up and his tube literally fell out of his stomach. That was the answer to his discomfort! The tube, which by the way has a bulb on the end of it, had worked its way out of Dave's stomach and through his skin, OUCH!!!! The nurse quickly reinserted another gastric tube, with a larger bulb this time. This was done bedside and was painless for Dave. The tube was inserted through the preexisting tunnel and then the bulb was inflated after the tube was properly placed in his stomach. Last night was the last time Dave will receive tube feedings at night, PTL!!!! Dave had discharge evaluations in both PT & OT today. As you can imagine he has improved since the initial evaluations 11 days ago. As always thank you for your prayers.

Monday, September 15

Dave had a great day today! For one of his PT sessions he walked around outside, it was so beautiful out! The doctor took a look at Dave's CT scan from Friday and said there isn't any pockets of fluid in his abdomen. He said he didn't know quite what to make of the situation and called the Trauma team at UNMC to get their opinion, we don't know what Trauma had to say yet. The confusion stems from the blake drain suddenly not draining much of anything (and what it is draining is different than before), the t-tube still not draining very much, and now per the CT scan there aren't any pockets of fluid sitting in Dave's abdomen. The pesky hiccups still seem to show there ugly head through out Dave's days. However, the hiccups aren't causing as many breathing episodes, though the episodes do still take place randomly. Dave has gained 15 pounds! He is eating great, no nausea or lack of appetite, and he is still getting tube feedings at night. Dave is looking at discharge from Madonna on Wednesday, yes, 2 days from today!!! PTL! He will only need outpatient PT, they said he won't be needing OT after discharge! Thank you for your faithful prayers!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Saturday & Sunday, September 13 & 14

Dave continues to gain weight, PTL! He has an appetite and is still getting tube feedings every night. Dave didn't have PT or OT this weekend, just the walking he did on his own. He really enjoyed watching the Husker game on Saturday night! Thank you for you continued prayers!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Friday, September 12

Today using the groceries they bought on Wednesday, Dave helped make lunch for Diane, a therapist and another patient. Diane said she loved it! Dave is having a CT scan at 5:30 tonight at Bryan. They are concerned about his leaking bile duct because the amount of fluid draining from the blake drain dropped significantly in the last few days.

Thursday, September 11

For Dave's outing today he went to Barnes and Noble with Madonna therapists. In order to transition from Madonna, Dave was allowed to leave Madonna for 3 hours with Diane! In physical therapy Dave worked on the Bowflex and stairs. He did have hiccups today but no breathing episodes. Overall, he had a very good day.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10

Dave's WBC came down a little, 16,600! He went on an "outing" with PT & OT to the grocery store. Nope, it wasn't Hy-Vee, Dave didn't have a choice in the matter! :) Being on his feet that long was a challenge but he did well. Dave has started walking to PT & OT without the cane, another step in the right direction! During therapy Dave went outside and walked on grass and other uneven ground without the cane. Some have inquired if Dave is up to visitors... he definitely is and would be encouraged by your visit. Stop by, Dave is in room 210.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9

In Recreational Therapy Dave bowled on the Nintendo Wii. What a neat way to do rehab! He said the therapist beat him easily, oh well, maybe next time! He should probably challenge her to a game of softball or baseball! He did stairs and some balancing exercises in PT, which he informed me he dominated! It was so good to see that confidence again! He is using the cane less often, PTL!

Monday, September 8

Dave's WBC went up, 17,000. He had lots of PT & OT today. It was difficult, but he enjoyed the challenge. He keeps getting stronger! We are so thankful he is in Lincoln. Thank you all for your prayers and support.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Saturday & Sunday, September 6 & 7

Dave is now in room 210 at Madonna and the room even has a window! Dave is now taking all oral medications (no more IV's). Dave had PT, OT, and speech evaluations on Saturday. They determined that he doesn't need speech therapy so he will just start PT and OT on Monday. Dave is still getting tube feedings at night so that he can get in enough calories. Thanks to the medication to increase his appetite, Dave is eating more and gaining weight. PTL!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday, September 5

Dave is packed up and moving to Madonna! Praise God!

As soon as the paperwork is finished, Diane will be driving Dave to Madonna. Hopefully they will be arriving in Lincoln by 2:00 today! Today Dave's WBC is down to 15,000, other than that we don't have any other news to report. Dave is doing very well and is anxious to start rehab at Madonna. Again, thank you for your continued prayers.

Friday, September 5

Happy Anniversary Dad and Mom!!!!
Dave and Diane are celebrating their 32nd wedding anniversary today, PTL! Update to follow...

Thursday, September 4

Dave had a really good day today! He walked with the cane, he is even walking short distances without the cane and without assistance!!!! The doctors have told us as long as Dave's WBC does not go up he will be able to move to Madonna tomorrow or the next day, PTL! They took him off telemetry today as well! Dave did have a couple of breathing episodes today, but they don't seem to be as severe as they once were. Thank you for your faithful prayers, we truly appreciate each one.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday, September 3

Dave's WBC is 17,000!!! Dave had hiccups on and off last night and all day today, he did have 3 breathing episodes yesterday and 2 today. The PT decided to have Dave try a cane instead of the walker. He was walking all over 5th floor today with that cane (he barely puts weight on it)! The results of the cholangiogram show that the T tube is in the proper place, however, the bile is leaking from around it. The JP tube (Blake drain) they have been advancing slowly totally fell out of Dave's stomach today. So for a short time he was down to 2 tubes, but because the Blake drain continues to drain bile the doctors put the tube back in place. They were able to do this at the bedside and without anesthetic! In the last 5 days Dave has taken in an average of 2,200 calories per day! Dave is only getting 1/3 of those calories from the tube feedings! The nutritionist was very pleased with his progress, PTL! Thanks for your prayers for Harvey, he went home tonight, PTL!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Tuesday, September 2

Last night Dave tolerated tube feedings at 50 cc/hr, this was the goal they have been working towards!! Dave went down to IR around noon for the cholangiogram, test to see if the bile duct is working properly. They told Dave in IR that he is leaking bile from the bile duct but we haven't talked with the doctor yet. Dave's JP drain is still draining a significant amount, probably the bile the cholangiogram showed he was leaking. He wasn't able to have breakfast because of his trip to IR, but he had a big lunch that he has kept down! In PT today Dave did stairs and he walked on a slope (both without the walker)!! Diane's dad was admitted to ICU in Lincoln today because of some internal bleeding. They found his esophagus was ripped in 2 places and they have already clamped those via a scope. He will stay tonight so they can monitor his blood pressure. Please keep Harvey in your prayers also.

Monday, September 1

Dave's white blood count is 21,100 today! Dave had an abdominal x-ray, looking at his digestive tract. Dave threw up last night so the nurse pulled some food out through Dave's gastric tube. Dave is having a test run tomorrow to see if the t-tube is working properly. This is the tube in his bile duct that acts as a stint and also drains bile. The doctors' fear is that a portion has pulled out and isn't in proper position. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and that this test goes well.

Sunday, August 31

Today has been a good day! Dave had 3 meals that he was able to keep down, PTL! Dave finished up with his IV antibiotics and is now back to oral antibiotics. He continues to get stronger everyday.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Saturday, August 30

Dave's white blood count went up a little today, 22,000. His temperature is hanging around 99.1. This morning Dave's JP tube started draining fluid again, they won't be pulling the tube out until this stops draining. Dave was able to keep 2 good meals down! However, the gastric tube started leaking from around the tube because his stomach was so full. The nurse removed 1 cup from Dave's stomach to help with the bloated feeling. They have been giving Dave an appetite stimulant and today was the first day it actually worked! Dave felt hungry for the first time since his accident! Dave has had the hiccups all day and they have progressively gotten worse. He has had one breathing episode. As many of you know Dave is a big Husker fan, he was able to listen to the game, the hospital wouldn't pay for pay-per-view, darn!

Friday, August 29

Dave's WBC is 20,700, down again!!!! Today was another great day for Dave! He was able to eat all 3 meals and keep them down, PTL! The doctors advanced his JP tube another 2 cm. He hasn't had any hiccups and consequently no breathing episodes either!
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