Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday, March 19

Thankfully, it has been awhile since we have updated the blog! Earlier this week Dave came down with a cold and then on Thursday he had flu like symptoms. We didn't think too much of it until early Saturday morning when he appeared jaundiced. His family doctor sent him on to his old stomping grounds; UNMC in Omaha. After testing at UNMC, they have found that Dave's white blood count is high, indicating an infection and his liver counts are elevated as well. An ultrasound indicates that the bile duct is probably at least partially blocked. It is difficult to determine as the bile duct is already compromised from his previous injuries. Dave is going to start on antibiotics and will have an MRI tonight. The MRI will be read tomorrow and a decision will be made at that time as to what the next step will be. They have said surgery may be a possibility. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, peace for our family, and comfort for Dave.


Crystal H said...

Praying for you guys! If you need anything we are just a phone call away! Sending lots of love! ~ Crystal

Marva said...

Praying for you and your family brother. Love you all, Marva

Jamie said...

I've been praying for you all since I got the phone call. I'm going to be around all week so if you need anything just call or stop by!! Love you all!!--Jamie

Anonymous said...

You and yours are covered in our prayers. Cousin Tom

Tara said...

Praying for the procedure today and for comfort. Praying for the doctors and for healing. Love the picture of you, Traci & Titus! You have an awesome family, Dave!

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