Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, March 23

Evening Update...............Dave continues to run a fever, but has been able to get some rest. They ran a chest x-ray, they are concerned about pneumonia because of his fever spike, white blood count and elevated heart rate. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Afternoon Update...............Dave had a pretty good afternoon. They still have not cleared him to have any water or ice chips yet, which makes for an uncomfortable dry mouth. Because Dave's pancreas is still 'angry' it can not fully break down the nutrition being fed through the PICC line, so Dave as been receiving a little bit of insulin. Dave's white blood count is elevated and he is running a fever of about 101 degrees. He is still on antibiotics, and the doctors are keeping a close eye on him so they can catch any possible infection early. Dave went on a walk this afternoon or as the nurses called it a 'sprint'. The sprint raised his heart rate quite a bit, so they only let him do one lap and then they did an EKG to make sure everything was ok. Later on, when he wanted to go again, they thought it would be best to use a wheel chair. :) They are keeping a close watch on his heart rate, but are not too concerned at this time.

Please pray for:
  • the rash to diminish, it is pretty uncomfortable
  • continued peace and healing

Morning Update................Huge praise, although Dave wasn't able to get much sleep, he did have a good night! His pain is manageable now, his liver numbers are better as well as his pancreas numbers; indicating that pancreatitis is improving. They took his NG tube out this morning. He hasn't had any actual food or water yet, just liquid nutrition from the PICC line. Dave is looking forward to ice chips. They are waiting to make sure he tolerates not having an NG tube first. Dave is taking medication for his heart rate and blood pressure, but they look are looking good. Thank you for your prayers.


Kelly said...

Praying for peace & comfort and a long-term answer. HUGS~Ted & Kelly

Diana Krieger said...

Praying for your comfort, needs and wisdom for all. May God surround you with His great love, wisdom and comfort. Continuing to pray...

2 Corinthians 1:3-5

Anonymous said...

Just heard today about you. Enough of this hospital stuff, get well and get back to work. Praying for all of you. Karen B.

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