Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23rd

Dave had another ultrasound of the liver and the results continued to be positive. Dr Grant said that as far as she was concerned, there was no need to do surgery today! She said that as long as his liver continues to be strong, they could wait for up to 2 months until the next surgery.
Dave was sedated the majority of the day. At some points he responded to people's voices. His vitals remained good, but he continued to develop a fever. His white blood cell count, a chemical in his kidney, and his liver enzymes were all much higher than they should be. The doctors still felt this could be a normal reaction to such an invasive surgery.
Dave's kidneys were not functioning as they should and doctors began to discuss the possibility of temporary dialysis.
In the evening, Dave become more agitated and an ultrasound of the liver showed that one half was doing better than the other. The nurses gave Dave more medication to further sedate him.


Anonymous said...

My prayers are with you all and the doctors wisdom. It sounds like a very long road ahead, but we shall persevere!

Marcy Marker

Anonymous said...

Prayers will continue. This blog is a good idea. Who is computer literate enough to set this up? Don did you do the leg work for the blog?
In Christ,
Tom Carpenter

Anonymous said...

Words can't begin to thank all of you that helped Dave after his accident. Brad, Traci, Mike, Christine, Ryan, Diane (I know that I'm leaving people out-sorry)you are all special people and my new heros for taking care of my brother. You are the best. Without you people, Dave would be in much worse shape. You are angels for all that you did to help. I also appreciate all the prayers for Dave as he is fighting to get better. God is great!!

Blessings and Love, Doug C.

Anonymous said...

As you know we are praying all day long for your dad and all of you who wait close by his side. We love you ALL.

"All things work together for good to those who love God." Romans 8:28

Love you,
Lisa for the Phillips Family

Anonymous said...

This is a great idea, we are all praying and knowing specifically how to pray as things change so rapidly is great. I sent a card today that says something we all need to remember...."don't tell God how big your mountain is, tell the mountain how big your God is..." we know Dave and his family are facing a pretty big mountain, and we know we serve an even bigger God! Keep praying!

Brandon Andersen said...

My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Thank you for starting this blog so we can all keep up with the latest updates on Dave's recovery.

~Brandon Andersen

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