Monday, May 9, 2011

Dave's appointment went well on May 5th. His labs continue to improve. Dr. Grant decided that he is healthy now and it is time to take out the stent. They do not want to take a chance of it getting infected. We were very surprised that they want to do this procedure on such a short notice. Dave asked if it could be done later and they just felt now is the right time. Dr. Hutchins will be doing the ERCP. He is the doctor that did the first ERCP in 2008 for Dave. This is scheduled for this Friday, the 13th at 2:30. (It is good that we are not superstitious!!) The decision as to what needs to be done to take care of the constricted bile duct will be decided during the procedure. Please pray for wisdom for the doctors and that Dave will not get pancreatitis again.


Anonymous said...

Definitely we'll be praying!
Doctors have been great so far
and God has been faithful in
answering prayers.
Friday will be a healing day.
Marva & Lo

Karalynn said...
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Anonymous said...

Dave: We agree that Friday will be a healing Day! So good to see the progress and we trust God for complete and rapid healing and recovery. So looking forward to seeing you guys soon! We love you! Chet and Bev

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