Saturday, April 2, 2011

Dave wanted us to post a note from him....

Thank you for all your responses to my blog. They are a tremendous source of encouragement to me, to know that my Christian friends and relatives and people I do not even know are praying daily for me. God is giving me a positive attitude to get through this as I know that pancreatitis will take time to heal. God bless each of you.



Anonymous said...

Dave, you're amazing. Prayers every day for you, Diane, your family, and also for your mom.

Anonymous said...

You have a host of people praying for you here on earth (as you already know) and you have Jesus intervening for you in heaven. You have touched the lives of others, you have guided others with your wisdom, you have given of your time and money to others, you have shown great hospitality to others, and you have opened your heart and life to many. The prayers from God's people are going up for you not only because we are commanded to do so for our brothers and sisters (the praying saints you haven't met yet) - but - because you have opened your life to us and showed us the face of a servant; we all care.

Praying for healing, praying for strength, praying for those closest to you, praying for your mother......we know this is a concern on your heart.

Love, G & J

Unknown said...

We are praying for your (and Diane's) endurance through this trial. Your testimony is making a difference for those who are providing your care, and to many of us as well. May God bless you during this "momentary affliction".
Nick & Connie

Anonymous said...

WE LOVE YOU, DAVE.........


Kelly said...

Keeping you all close to our hearts. We're saddened by Aunt Inez's newest health concerns, and praying for safe travels for Marva. Your love and commitment to Jesus and to each other is a blessing to witness. HUGS, Ted & Kelly

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