Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15th

Dave was at UNMC today from 2:00 until 5:45 running tests and speaking with doctors. Dr Young decided Dave will NOT have the hernia repair procedure tomorrow. Instead he will have the gastric tube tunnel repaired. This surgery will be at 7:30 am tomorrow and is expected to last 1 to 2 hours. Dr Young will cut along the gastric tube tunnel to stitch the stomach lining, cut away some of the scar tissue to help the healing, and stitch up the external abdomen. The risk of infection due to the leaking gastric juices was too risky to do the hernia repair. So the hernia repair will be done at a later date, at Dave's convenience, probably mid June. Dr Young plans to keep Dave one day and discharge him on Friday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dave & family,

We have prayed for you concerning the physical repairs you will face tomorrow and we also pray you are at peace with the change in plans regarding your surgeries; surprises are not always welcome even if they are out of our hands.

May peace and a quick recovery be yours, Gary & Joyce

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