Friday, April 17, 2009

Friday, April 17th

Evening Update:
Dave is home! PTL! Thank you so much for all your prayers!

Morning Update:
Dave had a good night and a good morning, PTL! He had some Sprite this morning and since he was able to keep that down he was allowed to order "real food". Dave has not felt nauseous since last night. Dr Stothert said if Dave keeps his lunch down he will be able to discharge late this afternoon or this evening! Dave is only in pain when he laughs or coughs and he isn't on any pain medications, another praise! Dave asked Dr Stothert if he would be able to get back to bike riding, weight lifting, and work on Monday. Dr Stothert said that would be fine! We have lots to be thankful for!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Thursday, April 16th

Evening Update
Dave is doing well. He is in good spirits and laughing (although it is painful). He was moved around 6pm tonight from a regular room to a cardiac observation floor because his heart rate dropped to the low 50's. The doctors aren't too concerned, but they are taking extra precautions. The doctors don't really have an explanation for it, but Dave also vomited a few times, it seemed to be after he stood up and walked a few steps. Because of the vomiting, Dr Young said that Dave was going to have to wait to start the clear liquid diet until tomorrow afternoon. Dave's a good sport, but he is getting quite thirsty and a little hungry. :) Dr Young hasn't said anything different, so we hope that Dave is still on track to come home by Saturday.

Morning Update
Praise God, Dave’s surgery went well! Dr Young repaired the gastric tube tunnel by making a 4 inch incision and stitching up the inner stomach lining. Dave won’t be able to have anything to eat or drink today but tomorrow he will start on a clear liquid diet for a couple of days and then onto a liquid diet. Sounds yummy! Dave will be in the hospital overnight and will hopefully be home on Saturday. Thanks again for your prayers.
Also, today is Jiree’s birthday, so be sure to wish her a happy birthday!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15th

Dave was at UNMC today from 2:00 until 5:45 running tests and speaking with doctors. Dr Young decided Dave will NOT have the hernia repair procedure tomorrow. Instead he will have the gastric tube tunnel repaired. This surgery will be at 7:30 am tomorrow and is expected to last 1 to 2 hours. Dr Young will cut along the gastric tube tunnel to stitch the stomach lining, cut away some of the scar tissue to help the healing, and stitch up the external abdomen. The risk of infection due to the leaking gastric juices was too risky to do the hernia repair. So the hernia repair will be done at a later date, at Dave's convenience, probably mid June. Dr Young plans to keep Dave one day and discharge him on Friday.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Tuesday, April 14th

Dave will have his hernia repair surgery on Thursday, April 16th. He will be in Omaha on Wednesday having tests run and meeting with the anesthesiologist. His procedure as of now is planned as a scope, if the doctors feel it necessary they will open him along the preexisting scar and complete the repair that way. Since Dave had the gastric tube removed a month ago, he is STILL leaking from the resulting hole in his stomach. (It leaks externally.) We pray the Dr Young will be able to do something about the leaking as well! Dave is excited about getting this behind him so he can get back to "normal". Dave asks for prayer for successful a surgery and a quick recovery. God is good! Thank you for all your prayers and support. We pray you had a blessed Easter where we remember that Christ not only died on the cross for our sins but was raised from the dead!
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